Hi! I'm Ashley.
My passion: beautiful homes for all

Ashley Newman smiling at the camera

One day when I was about three years old my mom pointed out a cute English cottage. “But I don’t think it’s a Victorian,” I said. At three years old! (My mom still tells this story.)

As the only child of a commercial set designer, I often got carted along on buying trips and installs. That means I have spent literally my entire life studying how to design spaces to create the desired effect. And I've spent nearly 15 years honing that skill by designing rooms to meet every conceivable challenge and style. 

As a result, I believe surroundings are important.

If your home is uncomfortable and frustrating, how can you rest there?
How can you recharge for all the things you need to do in your life?

Or how much time are you wasting because you don't have enough storage and you can never find what you need?

Yet there are so many reasons it's hard to create that beautiful, restful home for yourself. A few of the big ones:

  1. Lack of time
  2. Lack of clarity about your own style
  3. Fear of making a mistake

(And here's a secret: even though I’ve designed lots of different homes, I absolutely understand what it’s like to feel stuck or overwhelmed about decisions for your own home.)

This is where working with an interior decorator helps you move forward.

  1. By doing all the sourcing (and, optionally, all the ordering!) for you, I save you time.
  2. With professional advice, you can have confidence that your choices will meet your needs and look good together.
  3. And as your partner in creating a home you love, I bring you clarity, helping you understand: What do you love? What do you really need? What would make you happy in your home?

My philosophy:

  1. Everyone deserves to have a home that contributes to their well-being and enjoyment of life.
  2. Buy the best quality you can afford. Cheap furniture is designed to end up in a landfill in 5 years or less. It's not good for the planet - and it costs you more in the long run. If you can afford to buy well-made items, you'll be glad you did. That said...
  3. A beautiful and enjoyable home can be had on any budget. I've designed a guest room with a $12,000 bed and a living room for $1,000 total and enjoyed both projects equally.
  4. Your home should feel like you.

If you're ready to have a home you love, it would be my pleasure to help.

Book a Free Consult

If you want to know more about my personal style, check out my Instagram, which is a collection of rooms I love, cool products I’ve found, and my own designs.

Giving Back

Because I believe so strongly in the profound effect our home environment has on our lives, and because I believe that everyone should have a home that adds to their well-being, I am proud to be a local designer for Pen + Napkin, a nonprofit which furnishes homes for those transitioning from homelessness or abuse.

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